Slow Goat calls upon the herd: Open thy ears! Join the trip, take the ride. Slow Goat rises from Portland, Oregon, blazing a trail of searing melodies, thick fuzz, and commanding vocals, leaving every ear ringing in their wake. Their unique, yet familiar blend of stoner rock, doom metal, and heavy psychedelia forms the backbone of a sound that captivates listeners and invites them on a journey through sonic realms.
Drawing inspiration from the rich legacy of their forebears, Slow Goat's music showcases heavy riffs and dark, introspective lyrics, with themes ranging from the fantastical to the brutal realities of everyday life. Every song serves as a vignette into humanity, through both lived experience and allegory. With each performance, Slow Goat immerses audiences in a whirlwind of genre-bending soundscapes, where simmering hot emotion meets reflective storytelling.
Slow Goat’s pair of EPs are streaming on all major outlets. The band is currently finalizing their debut album. Slow Goat and its members have performed alongside Weedeater, Mos Generator, Mike Scheidt, Bell Witch, Year of the Cobra, Hippie Death Cult, Belzebong, Gnome, Messa, Kadabra, Spirit Mother, and many others. For fans of Black Sabbath, Trouble, Kyuss, Judas Priest, Acid King, Windhand.
Upcoming Shows:
4/25 - Chainsaw Cat, Yakima, WA
5/2 - Dante’s, Portland, OR
6/12 - Sparrow and Serpent, Eugene, OR