You may have seen our recent post about the best ways to maintain good sexual health, where we teased some of the kinds of food to keep you in tip top shape. But we know some of you are curious and hungry for additional information! We highlighted some of the nutritional information and benefits of a healthy diet, but here’s a deeper look into food and sex. Eat your hearts out! *wink*
Meats, Seafood and Proteins

Ok, yes, all the double entendres and food puns aside, meat, seafood and certain proteins have been proven to be great for your sexual health in a variety of interesting ways. For example, most of us have heard that oysters can help spice things up on a hot date and set the mood, but their nutritional value is also great! That’s because of zinc, which has been studied and it turns out it actually increases blood flow, and can help regulate testosterone levels.
Oysters are far from alone as the only food that has high zinc levels, here are some others:
- Lobster
- Crab
- Beef
- Pork
In fact, beef, chicken and pork are also touted for being high in specific amino acids and compounds like carnitine and L-arginine, that in moderation can help improve blood flow throughout the body (and the genitals of course!) and improve your sex life. A 2019 study actually found that arginine may help treat more mild to moderate forms of erectile dysfunction (ED). Adding these proteins to your diet, again in moderation, is a great way to keep things flowing in your sex life.
Last, but certainly not least, salmon and some of its cousins great options for maintaining your sexual health! We separated this seafood out from the others because it’s a superfood of sorts. It’s the omega-3 fatty acids that are super heart healthy! These acids prevent the buildup of plaque in your arteries, slightly reducing the risk of certain heart health issues (like heart disease).
You can also get some of these benefits from other fish like sardines, tuna and halibut. Actually, fish is generally recommended by medical professionals for maintaining overall health – the FDA recommends at least two servings a week! It’s jam packed with protein, vitamin B12, vitamin D, iron and yes, zinc. A virtual one-stop shop for nutrients!
Don’t eat meat? Not to worry, there are other vegetarian and vegan foods that also have some of the same perks, (as do certain zinc-fortified brands of cereal!). For vegetarians, consider milk and cheese as a way to tap into the same nutrients that you might get from beef, chicken or pork, and whole grains and milk are also high in zinc. For vegans, we have two whole categories of vegan-friendly options – more to come!
Fruits and Veggies

Moving right along, the next category of food we have for you are fruits and veggies. Chances are you’ve been told by a loved one to eat more of them for years, but today we will highlight some of the best options for your sexual health specifically.
Ever heard the phrase “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”? Unsurprisingly, apples are great for your sexual health (though you should definitely continue to regularly see a doctor). Apples contain high levels of an antioxidant called quercetin, which is a type of flavonoid. Similar to some of the other compounds and nutrients we’ve touched on, quercetin can help promote circulation and manage erectile dysfunction, and can also help manage symptoms of prostatitis (which range from difficulty urinating to abdominal pain).
Quercetin has been shown to lower blood pressure in certain doses, which can help address erectile dysfunction in people with penises and can increase sexual desire and libido for people with vaginas. In short, flavonoids are great, and apples are far from the only source. Check out these other foods that are high in flavonoids:
- Strawberries
- Blueberries
- Dark-colored grapes
- Cherries
- Citrus fruits
Another great fruit option for your sexual health is watermelon. Because of the levels of citrulline, an amino acid, your body is able to produce arginine on its own, which as we know now is great for circulation. And don’t forget bananas – the potassium provides a boost for stamina and muscle relaxation, and can also help lower blood pressure and increase blood flow.
Not to be outdone, next up we have veggies. Firstly, for those who don’t eat meat, baked beans can be a great source of zinc, too! And before you ask, it’s the beans themselves, not the sauce, so you can enjoy any white bean recipe really, or make your own from scratch.
Looking for a good source of energy with a side of anti-aging, and anti-bloating? Sweet potatoes are a great source for iron (which can boost energy), vitamin C, collagen (anti-aging) and potassium (anti-bloating, helps block salt).
Our next spotlight are beets which are a superfood in their own right, with lots of antioxidants and vitamins. But it’s the dietary nitrates which really set them apart. These dietary nitrates dilate the blood vessels and manage blood pressure, improving blood flow and positively impacting the ability for you to contract muscle groups.
This is great for your overall health but has the added benefit of boosting your sex skills, too. Imagine adding beets or beet juice to your diet to improve sexual duration and overall well-being!
Check out some of the other foods that are also rich in nitrates, beets have some great company:
- Spinach
- Arugula
- Cress
- Lettuce
- Celery
- Radish
Quite the motley crew!
Nuts and Seeds

We thought for the next category we could make things a little more nutty! Looking for a healthy snack that helps you get your groove back? Look no further than nuts and seeds.
Is it zinc you’re looking for? Then cashews, pumpkin seeds or almonds are your go-to.
Want to boost your L-arginine intake, without adding more meat to your diet? You are spoiled for choice, as all of the nuts and seeds below contain levels of the amino acid byproduct:
- Walnuts
- Pumpkin seeds
- Sunflower seeds
- Pecans
- Hazelnuts
- Peanuts
What about omega-3 fatty acids? Don’t worry, beyond salmon and other types of seafood, you can also just pour yourself a bowl of walnuts. They’re packed with omega-3s.
Another standout seed are pomegranate seeds, which are high in polyphenols (immune and mood boosting), micronutrients (aid in the production of sex hormones) and vitamin C (stress relief and stamina building).
Have we convinced you that nuts and seeds are a versatile snack option to maintain your sexual health?
Bonus: The Fun Stuff

So we know we’ve covered a lot of options, that are all generally healthy in moderation and offer some great perks for your sexual health. But what about when you want to indulge a little? Here are some fun alternatives to the healthful options above, that offer many of the same benefits.
- Red wine - Red wine contains quercetin which is great for blood flow, and a 2009 study found that regular, moderate consumption could boost your sex drive (for women)
- Dark chocolate - A recent study across Europe and the US found that dark chocolate was the most popular food for before sex, likely because it’s high in anandamide and phenylethylamine, which encourage the body to produce feel-good endorphins
- Avocados - These are technically fruits, and their name is based on the Aztec word for ‘testicle’ because they are great for testicular health and sperm production, but are also rich in vitamin E (vasodilating antioxidant), vitamin B-6 (nervous system), potassium (libido and energy), monounsaturated oleic acid from healthy fats (heart health and circulation)