"The Women's Research Center and BGLTQ+ Student Center strives to promote healthy sexual relationships in every aspect. We have Sexual Health Ambassadors who work closely with the healthy life skills professors on campus," Mickayla said. "They get training and a curriculum to teach from. They go around campus and teach classes on sexual health, consent, and the many variations of sexual activity and how to engage in them safely. We want students to have a safe place where they can come speak to someone about anything regarding sexual health and awareness, and also receive condoms when and if they need them."
She notes that the semester has been very successful with the students. "We have received a lot of feedback from our students and their excitement that The Center is here on campus promoting sexual health."
The unique artwork displayed on the ONE condom wrappers has helped support this mission. "When our Center workers table for the ONE Design Contest, they have reported back that other students like the different designs on the condom packaging — and that they would be interested submitting their own design."
Through the contest, winners receive a year's supply of condoms featuring their design, cash, and a donation to their favorite health organization or school.
Last semester, the students gave out close to 3,500+ condoms to fellow students. "Our organization wants to keep up with these positive vibes and continue to provide condoms to our students. There is still a lot of people from rural areas who attend UCO, who didn’t receive proper sex education in their hometowns," Mickayla said.

All of us here at ONE are so thankful to help support these students as they provide access to this educational experience for over 16,000 students at UCO! These student leaders have started an open and judgement free conversation about sexual health education. By doing so, they are de-stigmatizing necessary discussions and helping promote healthy relationships.

We wish all the best to everyone at the BGLTQ+ Student Center and Women’s Research Center at UCO as we continue to work towards one common goal!